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The lesson focuses on the proper use and understanding of the semicolon in English punctuation, highlighting its role in linking independent clauses and organizing complex lists.
  • A semicolon acts as a bridge between two independent clauses without the need for a coordinating conjunction.
  • It is incorrect to use a semicolon in conjunction with coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS).
  • Semicolons can also be used to separate items in a complex list, though this usage is less common on the GRE.
  • Misuse of semicolons, such as in a comma splice or with a coordinating conjunction, can lead to grammatical errors.
  • Understanding the correct application of semicolons is crucial for sophisticated writing and test success.
Introduction to Semicolons
Semicolons vs. Coordinating Conjunctions
Semicolons in Complex Lists
Common Mistakes with Semicolons