![Magoosh ACT Online Test Prep - Dashboard and Mobile App](https://d296n67kxwq0ge.cloudfront.net/attachments/8465/assets/originals.png?1641582401)
Online ACT prep from any device at your pace
Small Steps = Big Gains
- Easy ✓ Study for just 20 minutes a day.
- Accessible ✓ Works on your computer or mobile device.
- Flexible ✓ Prep whenever you have time.
- Affordable ✓ Save by prepping online.
Maximize Your Score
- Video and/or text explanations for every question.
- Smart diagnostic and progress tracking turn your weaknesses into strengths.
- Personalized help from ACT test prep experts.
Study Habits That Stick
![best value](http://dxdo2x6i0ocgk.cloudfront.net/attachments/2077/assets/originals.png?1459467631)
- Follow expert curated study schedules tailored for you.
- Study every day and maintain your streak.
What students love about Magoosh ACT
We've proudly helped over 100,000 students study for the ACT.
Everything! but especially test-taking strategies for the science section and helping me cement my knowledge of trigonometry.
Magoosh provides a unique and user-friendly approach to test preparation, which allowed me to work on exactly what I needed help with.
Magoosh really helped me improve my science section by giving me an approach to maximize my time and keep focus.
The practice problems gave me an estimated score, which helped me know what subjects to focus on. The videos are clear and concise, focusing on both knowledge and strategy.