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Understanding the fundamentals of sentence construction and the subject-verb-object (SVO) structure is crucial for mastering grammar questions on the GRE exam.
  • A sentence must contain both a subject and a verb to be considered complete; the presence of a gerund without a helping verb does not constitute a sentence.
  • The insertion of words like 'that' can transform a potential sentence into a noun phrase, thus altering its function within a sentence.
  • English follows a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) order, which is the clearest way to structure a sentence for effective communication.
  • Being aware of the SVO structure and avoiding common pitfalls like misusing gerunds or creating complex noun phrases can significantly improve test performance.
  • Choosing the clearest sentence structure, especially in the context of the GRE exam, often involves selecting options that adhere to the SVO order without unnecessary modifiers.
Understanding Sentence Basics
The Role of Gerunds and Noun Phrases
Mastering the Subject-Verb-Object Structure